Late Show: 11/3/2003 (Monday)

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Kool Haus, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

She Wanted to Leave, Spinal Meningitis (Got Me Down), Marble Tulip Juicy Tree, Piss Up a Rope, Happy Colored Marbles, Take Me Away, You Fucked Up, Even If You Don't, Waving My Dick in the Wind, Voodoo Lady, Don't Sweat It, Bananas and Blow, Roses Are Free, She Fucks Me‍*, Help Me Scrape the Mucus Off My Brain‍*, Tried and True‍*, I'll Be Your Jonny on the Spot, Stroker Ace, Touch My Tooter, Ocean Man, All of My Love, Doctor Rock, Zoloft, Buckingham Green, Captain, Fluffy
Encore: Improvisation, Poopship Destroyer, The Blarney Stone
- 8 brownbase users attended this show

Explain Stats

  • LTP = Last Time Played
  • SSL = Shows Since Last
  • TPB = Times Played Before
  • NTP = Next Time Played
  • SUN = Shows Until Next
  • TPA = Times Played After
  • TTP = Total Times Played
  • -SSL and SUN do not include shows with no setlist
  • -TPB, TPA and TTP do not include teases or incompletes

Setlist Stats

Column Sort
Set Position#Song TitleLast Time PlayedLTPShows Since LastSSLTimes Played BeforeTPBNext Time PlayedNTPShows Until NextSUNTimes Played AfterTPATotal Times PlayedTTP
14She Fucks Melast played : 10-03-2003(11 shows ago)times played before: 48next played: 11-09-2003(4 shows after)times played after : 43total times played : 92
28Poopship Destroyerlast played : 10-06-2003(10 shows ago)times played before: 155next played: 11-27-2003(6 shows after)times played after : 34total times played : 190
1She Wanted to Leavelast played : 10-10-2003b(6 shows ago)times played before: 108next played: 11-04-2003(1 show after)times played after : 92total times played : 201
3Marble Tulip Juicy Treelast played : 10-10-2003b(6 shows ago)times played before: 158next played: 11-27-2003(6 shows after)times played after : 35total times played : 194
8Even If You Don'tlast played : 10-10-2003b(6 shows ago)times played before: 84next played: 11-09-2003(4 shows after)times played after : 128total times played : 213
26Fluffylast played : 10-10-2003b(6 shows ago)times played before: 37next played: 11-09-2003(4 shows after)times played after : 40total times played : 78
18Stroker Acelast played : 10-28-2003(5 shows ago)times played before: 85next played: 11-08-2003(3 shows after)times played after : 169total times played : 255
25Captainlast played : 10-29-2003(4 shows ago)times played before: 19next played: 11-07-2003(2 shows after)times played after : 41total times played : 61
11Don't Sweat Itlast played : 10-31-2003(3 shows ago)times played before: 54next played: 11-10-2003(5 shows after)times played after : 25total times played : 80
27Improvisationlast played : 10-31-2003(3 shows ago)times played before: 28next played: 07-31-2006(66 shows after)times played after : 23total times played : 52
2Spinal Meningitis (Got Me Down)last played : 11-01-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 383next played: 11-07-2003(2 shows after)times played after : 276total times played : 660
4Piss Up a Ropelast played : 11-01-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 309next played: 11-04-2003(1 show after)times played after : 187total times played : 497
5Happy Colored Marbleslast played : 11-01-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 44next played: 11-04-2003(1 show after)times played after : 160total times played : 205
6Take Me Awaylast played : 11-01-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 352next played: 11-04-2003(1 show after)times played after : 269total times played : 622
7You Fucked Uplast played : 11-01-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 385next played: 11-04-2003(1 show after)times played after : 152total times played : 538
9Waving My Dick in the Windlast played : 11-01-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 297next played: 11-04-2003(1 show after)times played after : 192total times played : 490
10Voodoo Ladylast played : 11-01-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 328next played: 11-04-2003(1 show after)times played after : 214total times played : 543
12Bananas and Blowlast played : 11-01-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 171next played: 11-04-2003(1 show after)times played after : 243total times played : 415
13Roses Are Freelast played : 11-01-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 192next played: 11-04-2003(1 show after)times played after : 207total times played : 400
15Help Me Scrape the Mucus Off My Brainlast played : 11-01-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 33next played: 11-07-2003(2 shows after)times played after : 71total times played : 105
17I'll Be Your Jonny on the Spotlast played : 11-01-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 105next played: 11-07-2003(2 shows after)times played after : 163total times played : 269
19Touch My Tooterlast played : 11-01-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 133next played: 11-04-2003(1 show after)times played after : 246total times played : 380
20Ocean Manlast played : 11-01-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 183next played: 11-04-2003(1 show after)times played after : 183total times played : 367
21All of My Love - Led Zeppelinlast played : 11-01-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 8next played: 11-08-2003(3 shows after)times played after : 7total times played : 16
22Doctor Rocklast played : 11-01-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 381next played: 11-04-2003(1 show after)times played after : 173total times played : 555
23Zoloftlast played : 11-01-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 53next played: 11-07-2003(2 shows after)times played after : 142total times played : 196
24Buckingham Greenlast played : 11-01-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 321next played: 11-04-2003(1 show after)times played after : 304total times played : 626
29The Blarney Stonelast played : 11-01-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 188next played: 11-08-2003(3 shows after)times played after : 57total times played : 246
16Tried and Truelast played : 11-03-2003a(1 show ago)times played before: 18next played: 11-07-2003(2 shows after)times played after : 83total times played : 102

Songs Debuted


Misc Stats

Previous Show11-03-2003a
(same day)
Repeats of Prev Show1 song
Avg Shows Since Last3.3
Avg Times Played Before160.7
Next Show11-04-2003
(1 day after)
Repeats at Next Show13 songs
Avg Shows Until Next4.5
Avg Times Played After136.5
Avg Total Times Played298.2

This Day in Ween History



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