album cover of White Pepper by Ween

White Pepperby Ween

released 5/2/2000 on Elektra

Statistics for Freeman

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Column Sort
TrackSong TitleFirst PlayedLast PlayedTotal
1Exactly Where I'm Atfirst played: 07-22-2014last played : 11-07-2014total: 25 times
8The Grobefirst played: 07-22-2014last played : 11-07-2014total: 14 times
10Stay Foreverfirst played: 09-24-2014last played : 11-07-2014total: 11 times
2Flutes of Chitotal: 0 times
3Even If You Don'ttotal: 0 times
4Bananas and Blowtotal: 0 times
5Stroker Acetotal: 0 times
6Ice Castlestotal: 0 times
7Back to Basomtotal: 0 times
9Pandy Facklertotal: 0 times
11Falling Outtotal: 0 times
12She's Your Babytotal: 0 times
Total songs played live from this album: 50
Average live plays per album track: 4.2
Average songs played per live show: 1.7