album cover of Quebec by Ween

Quebecby Ween

released 8/5/2003 on Sanctuary

Statistics for Freeman

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Column Sort
TrackSong TitleFirst PlayedLast PlayedTotal
7Happy Colored Marblesfirst played: 07-23-2014blast played : 11-01-2014total: 7 times
14The Argusfirst played: 10-23-2014last played : 11-02-2014total: 2 times
3Transdermal Celebrationfirst played: 07-22-2014last played : 11-07-2014total: 13 times
1It's Gonna Be a Long Nighttotal: 0 times
2Zolofttotal: 0 times
4Among His Tribetotal: 0 times
5So Many People in the Neighborhoodtotal: 0 times
6Tried and Truetotal: 0 times
8Hey There Fancypantstotal: 0 times
9Captaintotal: 0 times
10Chocolate Towntotal: 0 times
11I Don't Want Ittotal: 0 times
12The Fucked Jamtotal: 0 times
13Alcan Roadtotal: 0 times
15If You Could Save Yourself (You'd Save Us All)total: 0 times
Total songs played live from this album: 22
Average live plays per album track: 1.5
Average songs played per live show: 0.7