album cover of Moistboyz II by Moistboyz

Moistboyz IIby Moistboyz

released 11/19/1996 on Grand Royal

Statistics for Moistboyz

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Column Sort
TrackSong TitleFirst PlayedLast PlayedTotal
1It Ain't Rudefirst played: 10-07-1995last played : 10-07-1995total: 1 time
2Secondhand Smokertotal: 0 times
3Lazy and Coolfirst played: 09-10-2004last played : 09-10-2005total: 4 times
4Rock Stock Barrelfirst played: 10-07-1995last played : 01-25-2003total: 5 times
5Man of the Yeartotal: 0 times
6American Made and Duty-Freetotal: 0 times
7Crankfirst played: 10-07-1995last played : 07-22-2015total: 18 times
8Powervicefirst played: 05-28-1994last played : 10-07-1995total: 2 times
9Keep the Fire Alivefirst played: 09-19-2002last played : 09-09-2018total: 36 times
10Good Morning Americafirst played: 10-07-1995last played : 09-09-2018total: 26 times
Total songs played live from this album: 92
Average live plays per album track: 9.2
Average songs played per live show: 2