Mountain Dewby Bascom Lamar Lunsford- played 10 times

Statistics for Ween

Live debut on 3/21/1991 in New Brunswick, NJ
Shows before debut: 45 (22 with setlist)
Shows since last time played: 902 (878 with setlist)
Average gap since debut: 92.6 shows
Average gap while active: 5.3 shows
Played at 1% of Ween shows (with setlist: 1.1%)
Column Sort
#DateCity, St/Pr, CountryGapPositionSetPrevious SongNext Song
10 - 04-17-1993Tampa, FL, USAshows since last (gap): 2position: 18 of 19set: Encoreprev song: Hey Fat Boy (Asshole) (tease)next song: Birthday Boy
9 - 04-13-1993Athens, GA, USAshows since last (gap): 18position: 19 of 20set: Encoreprev song: Marble Tulip Juicy Treenext song: Demon Sweat
8 - 12-02-1992Mobile, AL, USAshows since last (gap): 3position: 18 of 19set: Main Setprev song: Ode to Renenext song: Feedback/Noise
7 - 11-24-1992Columbia, MO, USAshows since last (gap): 11position: 17 of 20set: Main Setprev song: Big Jilm (tease)next song: Feedback/Noise
6 - 03-14-1992St. Louis, MO, USAshows since last (gap): 6position: 20 of 20set: Main Setprev song: The Goin' Gets Tough From the Getgo
5 - 01-08-1992Trenton, NJ, USAshows since last (gap): 1position: 4 of 11set: Main Setprev song: Pumpin' on the Dance Floornext song: Tender Situation
4 - 11-01-1991Eindhoven, Netherlandsshows since last (gap): 1position: 18 of 21set: Main Setprev song: Secondsnext song: The Goin' Gets Tough From the Getgo
3 - 10-31-1991Groningen, Netherlandsshows since last (gap): 4position: 12 of 12set: Main Setprev song: Don't Laugh (I Love You)
2 - 07-20-1991New Brunswick, NJ, USAshows since last (gap): 2position: 1 of 24set: Main Setnext song: Witch's Tit
1 - 03-21-1991New Brunswick, NJ, USAposition: 16 of 17set: Main Setprev song: Pork Roll Egg and Cheesenext song: Captain Fantasy