Drop the Bombby Trouble Funk- played 2 times
Statistics for Ween
Live debut on 1/2/1999 in Washington, DC |
Shows before debut: 428 (342 with setlist) |
Shows since last time played: 314 |
Average gap since debut: 303 shows |
Average gap while active: 292 shows |
Played at 0.2% of Ween shows |
Column Sort | |||||||
Date | CitySt/PrCountry | Gap | Position | Set | Prev Song | Next Song | |
2 - | 07-26-2006 | Boise, ID, USA | shows since last (gap): 292 | position: 32 of 34 | set: Encore | prev song: Roses Are Free | next song: I Can't Put My Finger on It |
1 - | 01-02-1999 | Washington, DC, USA | position: 22 of 32 | set: Main Set | prev song: The Mollusk | next song: Mister Would You Please Help My Pony? |
Drop the Bomb- not really played 1 time
06-20-1998 | Budapest, Hungary | type: tease |