Ghosts of the Frontierby Dean Ween Group- played 8 times

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Live debut by Dean Ween Group on 10/30/2014 in Asbury Park, NJ
Shows before debut: 1127 (997 with setlist)
Shows since last time played: 250 (246 with setlist)
Average gap since debut: 39.4 shows
Average gap while active: 9.9 shows
Played at 0.6% of shows
Column Sort
#BandDateCity, St/Pr, CountryGapPositionSetPrevious SongNext Song
8 - Moistboyz10-02-2015Pipersville, PA, USAshows since last (gap): 22position: 14 of 18set: Main Setprev song: I'm Gonna Get Highnext song: My Time to Die
7 - Moistboyz07-22-2015Wellfleet, MA, USAshows since last (gap): 22position: 5 of 14set: Main Setprev song: Captain Americanext song: The Year of the Maggot
6 - Dean Ween Group02-18-2015Port Chester, NY, USAshows since last (gap): 12position: 7 of 18set: Main Setprev song: Nightcrawlernext song: Pussy on My Pillow
5 - Dean Ween Group12-06-2014Stowe, VT, USAshows since last (gap): 1position: 5 of 11set: Main Setprev song: Piss Up a Ropenext song: Sweet Jane
4 - Dean Ween Group12-04-2014Bethlehem, PA, USAshows since last (gap): 1position: 10 of 18set: Main Setprev song: Piss Up a Ropenext song: Sweet Jane
3 - Dean Ween Group11-22-2014Baltimore, MD, USAshows since last (gap): 6position: 12 of 19set: Main Setprev song: High and Mightynext song: Gabrielle
2 - Dean Ween Group11-02-2014Live Oak, FL, USAshows since last (gap): 5position: 7 of 8set: Main Setprev song: Transdermal Celebrationnext song: Sweet Jane
1 - Dean Ween Group10-30-2014Asbury Park, NJ, USAposition: 8 of 18set: Main Setprev song: It's Gonna Be a Long Nightnext song: I'll Take It (and Break It)