10/8/2002 (Tuesday)

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Bowery Ballroom, New York, New York

Ice Castles, The Golden Eel, The Stallion pt 3, Piss Up a Rope, Spinal Meningitis (Got Me Down), Take Me Away, Waving My Dick in the Wind, Bananas and Blow, Voodoo Lady, Albino Sunburned Girl, Ooh Va La, Doctor Rock, Fat Lenny, Booze Me Up and Get Me High, Roses Are Free, The Mollusk, Springtheme, Exactly Where I'm At, You Fucked Up, Stroker Ace, I Can't Put My Finger on It, Zoloft, Buckingham Green, If You Could Save Yourself (You'd Save Us All)
- Claude Aid benefit
- whole show with Josh Freese (drums)
- 18 brownbase users attended this show

Photo Gallery (21 images)

Explain Stats

  • LTP = Last Time Played
  • SSL = Shows Since Last
  • TPB = Times Played Before
  • NTP = Next Time Played
  • SUN = Shows Until Next
  • TPA = Times Played After
  • TTP = Total Times Played
  • -SSL and SUN do not include shows with no setlist
  • -TPB, TPA and TTP do not include teases or incompletes

Setlist Stats

Column Sort
Set Position#Song TitleLast Time PlayedLTPShows Since LastSSLTimes Played BeforeTPBNext Time PlayedNTPShows Until NextSUNTimes Played AfterTPATotal Times PlayedTTP
1Ice Castlestimes played before: 0times played after : 0total times played : 0
2The Golden Eeltimes played before: 0times played after : 0total times played : 0
3The Stallion pt 3times played before: 0next played: 10-02-2014(17 shows after)times played after : 1total times played : 1
4Piss Up a Ropetimes played before: 0times played after : 0total times played : 0
5Spinal Meningitis (Got Me Down)times played before: 0times played after : 0total times played : 0
6Take Me Awaytimes played before: 0times played after : 0total times played : 0
7Waving My Dick in the Windtimes played before: 0times played after : 0total times played : 0
8Bananas and Blowtimes played before: 0times played after : 0total times played : 0
9Voodoo Ladytimes played before: 0times played after : 0total times played : 0
10Albino Sunburned Girltimes played before: 0times played after : 0total times played : 0
11Ooh Va Latimes played before: 0times played after : 0total times played : 0
12Doctor Rocktimes played before: 0times played after : 0total times played : 0
13Fat Lennytimes played before: 0times played after : 0total times played : 0
14Booze Me Up and Get Me Hightimes played before: 0times played after : 0total times played : 0
15Roses Are Freetimes played before: 0times played after : 0total times played : 0
16The Mollusktimes played before: 0times played after : 0total times played : 0
17Springthemetimes played before: 0times played after : 0total times played : 0
18Exactly Where I'm Attimes played before: 0next played: 07-22-2014(1 show after)times played after : 25total times played : 25
19You Fucked Uptimes played before: 0times played after : 0total times played : 0
20Stroker Acetimes played before: 0times played after : 0total times played : 0
21I Can't Put My Finger on Ittimes played before: 0times played after : 0total times played : 0
22Zolofttimes played before: 0times played after : 0total times played : 0
23Buckingham Greentimes played before: 0next played: 09-27-2014(14 shows after)times played after : 10total times played : 10
24If You Could Save Yourself (You'd Save Us All)times played before: 0times played after : 0total times played : 0

Songs Debuted

This Show24

Misc Stats

Next Show07-22-2014
(4305 days after)
Repeats at Next Show1 song
Avg Shows Until Next10.7
Avg Times Played After1.5
Avg Total Times Played1.5