11/24/2007 (Saturday)

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Tower Theater, Upper Darby, Pennsylvania

Birthday Boy‍*, Chocolate Town‍*, Mutilated Lips‍*, Tried and True‍*, I Don't Want It, The Golden Eel, Spinal Meningitis (Got Me Down), Baby Bitch, Learnin' to Love, Piss Up a Rope, Light Me Up, Voodoo Lady, Spirit Walker, Take Me Away, Pumpin' 4 the Man, Waving My Dick in the Wind, Transdermal Celebration, Object, Buckingham Green, Bananas and Blow, Your Party, Roses Are Free, With My Own Bare Hands, The Mollusk, I'll Be Your Jonny on the Spot, Powder Blue, The Goin' Gets Tough From the Getgo, Ocean Man, Shamemaker, Fiesta, The HIV Song
Encore: Pork Roll Egg and Cheese, Lullaby, Touch My Tooter, Doctor Rock
- Dean on acoustic for I Don't Want It, Gene switches to electric before the solo
- Gene and Glenn share the keyboards for Lullaby
- 43 brownbase users attended this show

Artwork by Todd Slater

Explain Stats

  • LTP = Last Time Played
  • SSL = Shows Since Last
  • TPB = Times Played Before
  • NTP = Next Time Played
  • SUN = Shows Until Next
  • TPA = Times Played After
  • TTP = Total Times Played
  • -SSL and SUN do not include shows with no setlist
  • -TPB, TPA and TTP do not include teases or incompletes

Setlist Stats

Column Sort
Set Position#Song TitleLast Time PlayedLTPShows Since LastSSLTimes Played BeforeTPBNext Time PlayedNTPShows Until NextSUNTimes Played AfterTPATotal Times PlayedTTP
1Birthday Boylast played : 11-14-2007(4 shows ago)times played before: 109next played: 12-01-2007(5 shows after)times played after : 85total times played : 195
2Chocolate Townlast played : 11-14-2007(4 shows ago)times played before: 27next played: 05-11-2008(27 shows after)times played after : 115total times played : 143
3Mutilated Lipslast played : 11-23-2007(1 show ago)times played before: 141next played: 12-01-2007(5 shows after)times played after : 101total times played : 243
4Tried and Truelast played : 11-10-2007(7 shows ago)times played before: 47next played: 11-28-2007(3 shows after)times played after : 109total times played : 157
5I Don't Want Itlast played : 11-14-2007(4 shows ago)times played before: 40next played: 11-28-2007(3 shows after)times played after : 61total times played : 102
6The Golden Eellast played : 11-23-2007(1 show ago)times played before: 220next played: 11-30-2007(4 shows after)times played after : 135total times played : 356
7Spinal Meningitis (Got Me Down)last played : 11-23-2007(1 show ago)times played before: 488next played: 11-26-2007(1 show after)times played after : 219total times played : 708
8Baby Bitchlast played : 11-16-2007(3 shows ago)times played before: 255next played: 11-30-2007(4 shows after)times played after : 89total times played : 345
9Learnin' to Lovelast played : 11-23-2007(1 show ago)times played before: 24next played: 11-26-2007(1 show after)times played after : 139total times played : 164
10Piss Up a Ropelast played : 11-16-2007(3 shows ago)times played before: 378next played: 11-27-2007(2 shows after)times played after : 168total times played : 547
11Light Me Uplast played : 11-10-2007(7 shows ago)times played before: 36next played: 11-30-2007(4 shows after)times played after : 74total times played : 111
12Voodoo Ladylast played : 11-23-2007(1 show ago)times played before: 417next played: 11-26-2007(1 show after)times played after : 150total times played : 568
13Spirit Walkerlast played : 11-14-2007(4 shows ago)times played before: 19next played: 01-23-2008(6 shows after)times played after : 35total times played : 55
14Take Me Awaylast played : 11-23-2007(1 show ago)times played before: 462next played: 11-26-2007(1 show after)times played after : 160total times played : 623
15Pumpin' 4 the Manlast played : 04-26-2007(40 shows ago)times played before: 198next played: 07-09-2009(77 shows after)times played after : 33total times played : 232
16Waving My Dick in the Windlast played : 11-17-2007(2 shows ago)times played before: 377next played: 11-26-2007(1 show after)times played after : 114total times played : 492
17Transdermal Celebrationlast played : 11-14-2007(4 shows ago)times played before: 69next played: 11-27-2007(2 shows after)times played after : 203total times played : 273
18Objectlast played : 11-23-2007(1 show ago)times played before: 21next played: 11-26-2007(1 show after)times played after : 155total times played : 177
19Buckingham Greenlast played : 11-23-2007(1 show ago)times played before: 432next played: 11-26-2007(1 show after)times played after : 240total times played : 673
20Bananas and Blowlast played : 11-23-2007(1 show ago)times played before: 257next played: 11-26-2007(1 show after)times played after : 181total times played : 439
21Your Partylast played : 11-23-2007(1 show ago)times played before: 37next played: 11-26-2007(1 show after)times played after : 261total times played : 299
22Roses Are Freelast played : 11-17-2007(2 shows ago)times played before: 250next played: 11-28-2007(3 shows after)times played after : 173total times played : 424
23With My Own Bare Handslast played : 11-23-2007(1 show ago)times played before: 21next played: 11-26-2007(1 show after)times played after : 169total times played : 191
24The Mollusklast played : 11-23-2007(1 show ago)times played before: 380next played: 11-26-2007(1 show after)times played after : 268total times played : 649
25I'll Be Your Jonny on the Spotlast played : 11-23-2007(1 show ago)times played before: 181next played: 11-27-2007(2 shows after)times played after : 115total times played : 297
26Powder Bluelast played : 10-25-2007(15 shows ago)times played before: 30next played: 12-01-2007(5 shows after)times played after : 20total times played : 51
27The Goin' Gets Tough From the Getgolast played : 11-14-2007(4 shows ago)times played before: 102next played: 03-04-2008(20 shows after)times played after : 43total times played : 146
28Ocean Manlast played : 11-16-2007(3 shows ago)times played before: 262next played: 11-27-2007(2 shows after)times played after : 106total times played : 369
29Shamemakerlast played : 11-14-2007(4 shows ago)times played before: 6next played: 11-26-2007(1 show after)times played after : 23total times played : 30
30Fiestalast played : 11-23-2007(1 show ago)times played before: 42next played: 11-26-2007(1 show after)times played after : 124total times played : 167
31The HIV Songlast played : 11-17-2007(2 shows ago)times played before: 341next played: 11-26-2007(1 show after)times played after : 122total times played : 464
32Pork Roll Egg and Cheeselast played : 11-12-2007(6 shows ago)times played before: 145next played: 01-23-2008(6 shows after)times played after : 84total times played : 230
33Lullabylast played : 11-13-2007(5 shows ago)times played before: 2next played: 12-01-2007(5 shows after)times played after : 16total times played : 19
34Touch My Tooterlast played : 11-23-2007(1 show ago)times played before: 229next played: 11-26-2007(1 show after)times played after : 150total times played : 380
35Doctor Rocklast played : 11-23-2007(1 show ago)times played before: 461next played: 11-26-2007(1 show after)times played after : 108total times played : 570

Songs Debuted


Misc Stats

Previous Show11-23-2007
(1 day before)
Repeats of Prev Show16 songs
Avg Shows Since Last4.0
Avg Times Played Before185.9
Next Show11-26-2007
(2 days after)
Repeats at Next Show16 songs
Avg Shows Until Next5.7
Avg Times Played After124.2
Avg Total Times Played311.1

This Day in Ween History



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archive.orgtype: download, streamingformat: flac16, mp3source: Church Audio stc-11taper: Chris King, Aaron Parr
archive.orgtype: download, streamingformat: flac16, mp3source: Schoeps mk4taper: Nicky C
youtube.comtype: streaming videoformat: youtube videosource: Schoeps mk4 + Panasonic pv-gs150taper: nooch, Nicky C