4/7/2010 (Wednesday)

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Millennium Center, Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Exactly Where I'm At, Marble Tulip Juicy Tree, Spinal Meningitis (Got Me Down), Bananas and Blow, The Grobe, Transdermal Celebration, Waving My Dick in the Wind, Object, Voodoo Lady> Kiss> Voodoo Lady, Springtheme, Your Party, Learnin' to Love, With My Own Bare Hands, Buckingham Green, Mutilated Lips, Pandy Fackler, Let's Dance, Slow Down Boy, Stroker Ace, You Fucked Up, The Goin' Gets Tough From the Getgo, The Mollusk, Polka Dot Tail, Baby Bitch, Roses Are Free
Encore: Fiesta, Buenas Tardes Amigo
- 20 brownbase users attended this show

Artwork by Tbone and Aljax

Explain Stats

  • LTP = Last Time Played
  • SSL = Shows Since Last
  • TPB = Times Played Before
  • NTP = Next Time Played
  • SUN = Shows Until Next
  • TPA = Times Played After
  • TTP = Total Times Played
  • -SSL and SUN do not include shows with no setlist
  • -TPB, TPA and TTP do not include teases or incompletes

Setlist Stats

Column Sort
Set Position#Song TitleLast Time PlayedLTPShows Since LastSSLTimes Played BeforeTPBNext Time PlayedNTPShows Until NextSUNTimes Played AfterTPATotal Times PlayedTTP
1Exactly Where I'm Atlast played : 10-28-2009(16 shows ago)times played before: 161next played: 06-13-2010(7 shows after)times played after : 99total times played : 261
2Marble Tulip Juicy Treelast played : 03-26-2010(4 shows ago)times played before: 190next played: 09-02-2011(51 shows after)times played after : 14total times played : 205
3Spinal Meningitis (Got Me Down)last played : 04-06-2010(1 show ago)times played before: 543next played: 04-09-2010(1 show after)times played after : 164total times played : 708
4Bananas and Blowlast played : 04-06-2010(1 show ago)times played before: 318next played: 04-09-2010(1 show after)times played after : 120total times played : 439
5The Grobelast played : 03-28-2010(2 shows ago)times played before: 167next played: 05-09-2010(3 shows after)times played after : 118total times played : 286
6Transdermal Celebrationlast played : 04-06-2010(1 show ago)times played before: 117next played: 04-09-2010(1 show after)times played after : 155total times played : 273
7Waving My Dick in the Windlast played : 10-28-2009(16 shows ago)times played before: 413next played: 07-16-2010(11 shows after)times played after : 78total times played : 492
8Objectlast played : 03-27-2010(3 shows ago)times played before: 78next played: 04-10-2010(2 shows after)times played after : 98total times played : 177
9Voodoo Ladylast played : 10-30-2009(14 shows ago)times played before: 471next played: 04-09-2010(1 show after)times played after : 96total times played : 568
10Kiss - Princelast played : 09-10-2009(19 shows ago)times played before: 28next played: 08-28-2010(18 shows after)times played after : 5total times played : 34
-Voodoo Ladylast played : 10-30-2009(14 shows ago)times played before: 471next played: 04-09-2010(1 show after)times played after : 96total times played : 568
11Springthemelast played : 10-28-2009(16 shows ago)times played before: 57next played: 07-31-2010(15 shows after)times played after : 32total times played : 90
12Your Partylast played : 04-06-2010(1 show ago)times played before: 114next played: 04-09-2010(1 show after)times played after : 184total times played : 299
13Learnin' to Lovelast played : 04-06-2010(1 show ago)times played before: 80next played: 04-09-2010(1 show after)times played after : 83total times played : 164
14With My Own Bare Handslast played : 04-06-2010(1 show ago)times played before: 66next played: 04-09-2010(1 show after)times played after : 124total times played : 191
15Buckingham Greenlast played : 04-06-2010(1 show ago)times played before: 496next played: 04-09-2010(1 show after)times played after : 176total times played : 673
16Mutilated Lipslast played : 03-27-2010(3 shows ago)times played before: 177next played: 05-09-2010(3 shows after)times played after : 65total times played : 243
17Pandy Facklerlast played : 10-28-2009(16 shows ago)times played before: 190next played: 04-10-2010(2 shows after)times played after : 91total times played : 282
18Let's Dance - David Bowielast played : 04-06-2010(1 show ago)times played before: 1next played: 04-09-2010(1 show after)times played after : 39total times played : 41
19Slow Down Boylast played : 07-16-2009(34 shows ago)times played before: 9next played: 01-29-2011(32 shows after)times played after : 12total times played : 22
20Stroker Acelast played : 10-29-2009(15 shows ago)times played before: 176next played: 04-09-2010(1 show after)times played after : 79total times played : 256
21You Fucked Uplast played : 10-29-2009(15 shows ago)times played before: 471next played: 05-20-2010(4 shows after)times played after : 66total times played : 538
22The Goin' Gets Tough From the Getgolast played : 09-02-2009(23 shows ago)times played before: 112next played: 04-10-2010(2 shows after)times played after : 33total times played : 146
23The Mollusklast played : 03-27-2010(3 shows ago)times played before: 448next played: 04-10-2010(2 shows after)times played after : 200total times played : 649
24Polka Dot Taillast played : 03-28-2010(2 shows ago)times played before: 28next played: 05-09-2010(3 shows after)times played after : 66total times played : 95
25Baby Bitchlast played : 03-27-2010(3 shows ago)times played before: 284next played: 04-09-2010(1 show after)times played after : 60total times played : 345
26Roses Are Freelast played : 04-06-2010(1 show ago)times played before: 282next played: 04-09-2010(1 show after)times played after : 141total times played : 424
27Fiestalast played : 04-06-2010(1 show ago)times played before: 95next played: 04-10-2010(2 shows after)times played after : 71total times played : 167
28Buenas Tardes Amigolast played : 03-28-2010(2 shows ago)times played before: 272next played: 07-16-2010(11 shows after)times played after : 65total times played : 338

Songs Debuted


Misc Stats

Previous Show04-06-2010
(1 day before)
Repeats of Prev Show10 songs
Avg Shows Since Last7.7
Avg Times Played Before208.7
Next Show04-09-2010
(2 days after)
Repeats at Next Show12 songs
Avg Shows Until Next6.4
Avg Times Played After90.5
Avg Total Times Played300.2

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archive.orgtype: download, streamingformat: flac16, mp3source: Neumann km184taper: Chris King
archive.orgtype: download, streamingformat: flac16, mp3source: SoundField SPS200taper: JT Lucchesi