Wayne's Pet Younginby Ween- played 54 times

Statistics for Ween

Appears on GodWeenSatan: The Oneness
Live debut on 4/18/1989 in Trenton, NJ
Shows before debut: 9 (4 with setlist)
Shows since last time played: 5
Average gap since debut: 17.5 shows
Played at 5.2% of Ween shows (with setlist: 5.7%)
Column Sort
#DateCity, St/Pr, CountryGapPositionSetPrevious SongNext Song
54 - 02-15-2024Phoenix, AZ, USAshows since last (gap): 5position: 29 of 35set: Main Setprev song: Don't Get 2 Close (2 My Fantasy)next song: Mister Richard Smoker
53 - 09-14-2023New York, NY, USAshows since last (gap): 2position: 35 of 39set: Main Setprev song: I Gots a Weaselnext song: Old Queen Cole
52 - 09-10-2023Madison, WI, USAshows since last (gap): 6position: 25 of 34set: Main Setprev song: I Can't Put My Finger on Itnext song: Papa Zit
51 - 08-01-2023Sandy, UT, USAshows since last (gap): 6position: 25 of 36set: Main Setprev song: Doctor Rocknext song: The Enabler
50 - 04-28-2023New Orleans, LA, USAshows since last (gap): 3position: 29 of 35set: Main Setprev song: Mister Would You Please Help My Pony?next song: Even If You Don't
49 - 03-18-2023Las Vegas, NV, USAshows since last (gap): 10position: 28 of 33set: Main Setprev song: Papa Zitnext song: The Enabler
48 - 09-17-2022Atlanta, GA, USAshows since last (gap): 32position: 29 of 36set: Main Setprev song: Up on the Hillnext song: You Fucked Up
47 - 10-01-2021Las Vegas, NV, USAshows since last (gap): 10position: 25 of 33set: Main Setprev song: Touch My Tooternext song: Even If You Don't
46 - 10-30-2019Denver, CO, USAshows since last (gap): 3position: 28 of 30set: Main Setprev song: Fiestanext song: Frank
45 - 12-16-2018Port Chester, NY, USAshows since last (gap): 2position: 12 of 28set: Main Setprev song: Demon Sweatnext song: Wayne's Pet Youngin (tease)
44 - 12-14-2018Philadelphia, PA, USAshows since last (gap): 1position: 26 of 31set: Main Setprev song: Exactly Where I'm Atnext song: Touch My Tooter
43 - 11-04-2018St. Paul, MN, USAshows since last (gap): 4position: 8 of 26set: Main Setprev song: Beacon Lightnext song: Seconds
42 - 10-30-2018Detroit, MI, USAshows since last (gap): 6position: 12 of 27set: Main Setprev song: Old Queen Colenext song: Even If You Don't
41 - 10-13-2018Miami, FL, USAshows since last (gap): 3position: 17 of 35set: Main Setprev song: The Mollusknext song: Fat Lenny
40 - 08-17-2018Troutdale, OR, USAshows since last (gap): 2position: 9 of 29set: Main Setprev song: The Stallion pt 1next song: I Can't Put My Finger on It
39 - 07-28-2018Lewiston, NY, USAshows since last (gap): 1position: 25 of 33set: Main Setprev song: Homo Rainbownext song: The Goin' Gets Tough From the Getgo
38 - 07-27-2018Pittsburgh, PA, USAshows since last (gap): 8position: 11 of 27set: Main Setprev song: I Gots a Weaselnext song: Puerto Rican Power
37 - 11-02-2017Austin, TX, USAshows since last (gap): 4position: 14 of 28set: Main Setprev song: Stroker Acenext song: Sweet Texas Fire
36 - 09-28-2017San Francisco, CA, USAshows since last (gap): 13position: 27 of 32set: Main Setprev song: I Gots a Weaselnext song: Tick
35 - 06-10-2017Portland, ME, USAshows since last (gap): 19position: 13 of 26set: Main Setprev song: Take Me Awaynext song: Seconds
34 - 10-14-2016San Francisco, CA, USAshows since last (gap): 3position: 23 of 30set: Main Setprev song: Waving My Dick in the Windnext song: Mister Richard Smoker
33 - 09-16-2016Chicago, IL, USAshows since last (gap): 10position: 17 of 20set: Main Setprev song: Ticknext song: Frank
32 - 04-15-2016New York, NY, USAshows since last (gap): 5position: 16 of 35set: Main Setprev song: Gabriellenext song: The Goin' Gets Tough From the Getgo
31 - 02-12-2016Broomfield, CO, USAshows since last (gap): 2position: 15 of 33set: Main Setprev song: Ticknext song: The Goin' Gets Tough From the Getgo
30 - 12-30-2011Denver, CO, USAshows since last (gap): 2position: 24 of 31set: Main Setprev song: Slow Down Boynext song: Sketches of Winkle
29 - 10-31-2011New York, NY, USAshows since last (gap): 5position: 23 of 35set: Main Setprev song: Stroker Acenext song: Demon Sweat
28 - 07-02-2011Bend, OR, USAshows since last (gap): 4position: 25 of 32set: Main Setprev song: You Fucked Upnext song: Fiesta
27 - 04-15-2011Athens, GA, USAshows since last (gap): 3position: 22 of 30set: Main Setprev song: You Fucked Upnext song: Fiesta
26 - 01-28-2011Oakland, CA, USAshows since last (gap): 2position: 28 of 37set: Main Setprev song: Let's Dancenext song: The Goin' Gets Tough From the Getgo
25 - 01-25-2011Seattle, WA, USAshows since last (gap): 3position: 12 of 31set: Main Setprev song: Ticknext song: Puerto Rican Power
24 - 09-17-2010New York, NY, USAshows since last (gap): 2position: 25 of 34set: Main Setprev song: Hey There Fancypantsnext song: The Goin' Gets Tough From the Getgo
23 - 08-27-2010Dallas, TX, USAshows since last (gap): 1position: 13 of 30set: Main Setprev song: Ticknext song: Sketches of Winkle
22 - 08-26-2010Tulsa, OK, USAshows since last (gap): 1position: 19 of 30set: Main Setprev song: Touch My Tooternext song: Waving My Dick in the Wind
21 - 07-31-2010Columbus, OH, USAshows since last (gap): 1position: 14 of 33set: Main Setprev song: Sketches of Winklenext song: Object
20 - 07-30-2010Detroit, MI, USAshows since last (gap): 273position: 16 of 32set: Main Setprev song: Touch My Tooternext song: Doctor Rock
19 - 09-14-2001New Hope, PA, USAshows since last (gap): 1position: 11 of 26set: Main Setprev song: Up on the Hillnext song: Nicole
18 - 09-03-2001Vancouver, BC, Canadashows since last (gap): 23position: 14 of 29set: Main Setprev song: Captain Fantasynext song: Up on the Hill
17 - 03-29-2001Buffalo, NY, USAshows since last (gap): 2position: 18 of 32set: Main Setprev song: Mushroom Festival in Hellnext song: Doctor Rock
16 - 03-26-2001Northampton, MA, USAshows since last (gap): 3position: 20 of 36set: Main Setprev song: Doctor Rocknext song: Touch My Tooter
15 - 03-21-2001Ottsville, PA, USAshows since last (gap): 1position: 11 of 28set: Main Setprev song: Albino Sunburned Girlnext song: Don't Get 2 Close (2 My Fantasy)
14 - 01-02-2001Asbury Park, NJ, USAshows since last (gap): 1position: 14 of 37set: Main Setprev song: Touch My Tooternext song: You Fucked Up
13 - 12-30-2000New Hope, PA, USAshows since last (gap): 21position: 20 of 49set: Main Setprev song: The Goin' Gets Tough From the Getgonext song: You Fucked Up
12 - 07-15-2000St. Petersburg, FL, USAshows since last (gap): 5position: 15 of 31set: Main Setprev song: Ocean Mannext song: Stroker Ace
11 - 07-07-2000Austin, TX, USAshows since last (gap): 7position: 32 of 34set: Encoreprev song: You Fucked Upnext song: Hot For Teacher
10 - 06-30-2000aVenice, CA, USAshows since last (gap): 19position: 12 of 21set: Main Setprev song: Common Bitchnext song: Buckingham Green
9 - 05-19-2000Asheville, NC, USAshows since last (gap): 189position: 33 of 38set: Main Setprev song: Up on the Hillnext song: You Fucked Up
8 - 06-21-1996Eindhoven, Netherlandsshows since last (gap): 74position: 23 of 29set: Main Setprev song: Don't Sweat Itnext song: LMLYP
7 - 11-26-1994Carrboro, NC, USAshows since last (gap): 0position: 20 of 32set: Main Setprev song: You Fucked Upnext song: Mister Would You Please Help My Pony?
6 - 11-26-1994Carrboro, NC, USAshows since last (gap): 64position: 18 of 32set: Main Setprev song: Poopship Destroyernext song: You Fucked Up
5 - 05-06-1993Detroit, MI, USAshows since last (gap): 2position: 2 of 18set: Main Setprev song: Fat Lennynext song: Pork Roll Egg and Cheese
4 - 04-28-1993London, Englandshows since last (gap): 3position: 3 of 19set: Main Setprev song: Never Squealnext song: Don't Get 2 Close (2 My Fantasy)
3 - 04-18-1993Melbourne, FL, USAshows since last (gap): 1position: 15 of 20set: Main Setprev song: Never Squealnext song: Poopship Destroyer
2 - 04-17-1993Tampa, FL, USAshows since last (gap): 66position: 2 of 19set: Main Setprev song: Fat Lennynext song: Papa Zit
1 - 04-18-1989Trenton, NJ, USAposition: 13 of 16set: Main Setprev song: Squelch the Weaselnext song: Fat Lenny

Wayne's Pet Youngin- not really played 1 time

DateCity, St/Pr, CountryType
12-16-2018Port Chester, NY, USAtype: tease