Songs by WEEN(224)

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TitleAlbumFirst PlayedLast PlayedTotal%
A Tear For Eddiealbum: Chocolate and Cheesefirst played: 10-30-1994last played : 02-17-2024total: 157 times (16.5% of shows)
Albino Sunburned Girlalbum: unreleasedfirst played: 07-03-1994last played : 02-17-2024total: 89 times (9.4% of shows)
Among His Tribealbum: Quebecfirst played: 06-06-2017last played : 07-03-2022total: 5 times (0.5% of shows)
Awesome Soundalbum: The Podfirst played: 01-28-1995last played : 09-12-2023total: 144 times (15.2% of shows)
Baby Bitchalbum: Chocolate and Cheesefirst played: 08-31-1994last played : 08-02-2024total: 301 times (31.7% of shows)
Back to Basomalbum: White Pepperfirst played: 12-31-1998last played : 09-09-2023total: 151 times (15.9% of shows)
Bananas and Blowalbum: White Pepperfirst played: 07-21-1999last played : 08-04-2024total: 415 times (43.7% of shows)
Beacon Lightalbum: unreleasedfirst played: 08-29-1998last played : 02-15-2024total: 61 times (6.4% of shows)
Big Baboonsalbum: unreleasedfirst played: 01-02-1989last played : 01-02-1989total: 1 time (0.1% of shows)
Big Jilmalbum: Pure Guavafirst played: 07-20-1991last played : 08-03-2024total: 194 times (20.4% of shows)
Birthday Boyalbum: GodWeenSatan: The Onenessfirst played: 12-14-1990last played : 08-04-2024total: 139 times (14.6% of shows)
Bison Burgeralbum: unreleasedfirst played: 05-30-2010last played : 08-31-2017total: 2 times (0.2% of shows)
Blackjackalbum: GodWeenSatan: The Onenessfirst played: 09-14-2001last played : 09-14-2001total: 1 time (0.1% of shows)
Boingalbum: The Podfirst played: 12-06-1990last played : 11-01-2022total: 23 times (2.4% of shows)
Boobs (Part III)album: The Crucial Squeegie Lipfirst played: 05-02-1988last played : 05-02-1988total: 1 time (0.1% of shows)
Booze Me Up and Get Me Highalbum: unreleasedfirst played: 07-19-1996alast played : 04-14-2011total: 139 times (14.6% of shows)
Boy's Clubalbum: Shinola, Vol. 1first played: 10-27-2005last played : 09-10-2023total: 54 times (5.7% of shows)
Buckingham Greenalbum: The Molluskfirst played: 12-09-1992last played : 08-04-2024total: 626 times (66.0% of shows)
Buenas Tardes Amigoalbum: Chocolate and Cheesefirst played: 08-05-1994last played : 08-02-2024total: 286 times (30.1% of shows)
Bumblebeealbum: GodWeenSatan: The Onenessfirst played: 12-30-1990last played : 06-10-2022total: 26 times (2.7% of shows)
Can U Taste the Waste?album: The Podfirst played: 12-14-1990last played : 02-18-2024total: 14 times (1.5% of shows)
Candialbum: Chocolate and Cheesefirst played: 10-29-1994last played : 10-12-2019total: 2 times (0.2% of shows)
Captainalbum: Quebecfirst played: 04-09-2003last played : 08-05-2023total: 61 times (6.4% of shows)
Captain Fantasyalbum: The Podfirst played: 12-06-1990last played : 09-15-2023total: 256 times (27.0% of shows)
Chairman of My Destinyalbum: unreleasedfirst played: 02-17-1992last played : 02-17-1992total: 1 time (0.1% of shows)
Chocolate Townalbum: Quebecfirst played: 02-07-2002last played : 08-04-2024total: 78 times (8.2% of shows)
Cold and Wetalbum: GodWeenSatan: The Onenessfirst played: 04-18-1989last played : 07-03-2022total: 11 times (1.2% of shows)
Cold Blows the Windalbum: The Molluskfirst played: 07-22-2003last played : 09-15-2019total: 7 times (0.7% of shows)
Common Bitchalbum: GodWeenSatan: The Onenessfirst played: 04-18-1989last played : 03-18-2023total: 43 times (4.5% of shows)
Cornbread Redalbum: unreleasedfirst played: 10-01-2021last played : 08-04-2024total: 18 times (1.9% of shows)
Cover It With Gas and Set It on Firealbum: unreleasedfirst played: 03-21-1991last played : 08-01-2023total: 57 times (6.0% of shows)
DC Won't Do You No Goodalbum: unreleasedfirst played: 04-26-2007last played : 04-26-2007total: 1 time (0.1% of shows)
Deez Nutsalbum: unreleasedfirst played: 01-22-1998last played : 06-07-2017total: 15 times (1.6% of shows)
Deluxe Morphine Condominiumalbum: unreleasedfirst played: 08-13-1988last played : 08-13-1988total: 1 time (0.1% of shows)
Demon Sweatalbum: The Podfirst played: 05-01-1992last played : 09-16-2023total: 80 times (8.4% of shows)
Dickie Bettsalbum: The Deaner Albumfirst played: 09-03-1998last played : 06-10-2000total: 2 times (0.2% of shows)
Did You See Me?album: Shinola, Vol. 1first played: 10-02-2005last played : 08-04-2024total: 107 times (11.3% of shows)
Dirty Moneyalbum: unreleasedfirst played: 03-04-1994last played : 04-25-2023total: 4 times (0.4% of shows)
Doctor Rockalbum: The Podfirst played: 10-30-1993last played : 08-02-2024total: 555 times (58.5% of shows)
Don't Get 2 Close (2 My Fantasy)album: Pure Guavafirst played: 10-31-1991last played : 08-02-2024total: 439 times (46.3% of shows)
Don't Laugh (I Love You)album: GodWeenSatan: The Onenessfirst played: 01-02-1989last played : 10-29-2022total: 33 times (3.5% of shows)
Don't Shit Where You Eatalbum: Chocolate and Cheesefirst played: 03-10-1993last played : 10-29-2022total: 173 times (18.2% of shows)
Don't Sweat Italbum: The Podfirst played: 07-14-1991last played : 09-16-2023total: 80 times (8.4% of shows)
Drifter in the Darkalbum: Chocolate and Cheesefirst played: 09-24-1993last played : 08-04-2024total: 95 times (10.0% of shows)
Drumsalbum: unreleasedfirst played: 06-30-1994last played : 08-04-2023total: 63 times (6.6% of shows)
Duke of Denimalbum: The Crucial Squeegie Lipfirst played: 08-13-1988last played : 08-13-1988total: 1 time (0.1% of shows)
El Caminoalbum: GodWeenSatan: The Onenessfirst played: 01-02-1989last played : 09-10-2023total: 111 times (11.7% of shows)
Even If You Don'talbum: White Pepperfirst played: 07-21-1999last played : 08-03-2024total: 213 times (22.4% of shows)
Exactly Where I'm Atalbum: White Pepperfirst played: 06-30-2000blast played : 08-04-2024total: 231 times (24.3% of shows)
Falling Outalbum: White Pepperfirst played: 08-29-1998last played : 02-17-2024total: 12 times (1.3% of shows)
Fat Lennyalbum: GodWeenSatan: The Onenessfirst played: 04-18-1989last played : 10-31-2022total: 295 times (31.1% of shows)
Feedback/Noisealbum: unreleasedfirst played: 11-24-1992last played : 09-02-2011total: 27 times (2.8% of shows)
Fiestaalbum: La Cucarachafirst played: 04-26-2007last played : 08-03-2024total: 153 times (16.1% of shows)
Flies on My Dickalbum: Pure Guavafirst played: 06-29-1994last played : 08-10-2007total: 5 times (0.5% of shows)
Fluffyalbum: 12 Golden Country Greatsfirst played: 07-19-1996alast played : 02-18-2024total: 78 times (8.2% of shows)
Flutes of Chialbum: White Pepperfirst played: 08-31-1994last played : 08-02-2024total: 50 times (5.3% of shows)
Frankalbum: The Podfirst played: 05-09-1997last played : 08-04-2024total: 196 times (20.7% of shows)
Freedom of '76album: Chocolate and Cheesefirst played: 10-29-1992last played : 08-22-2021total: 252 times (26.6% of shows)
Friendsalbum: La Cucarachafirst played: 11-27-2007last played : 03-07-2008total: 4 times (0.4% of shows)
Gabriellealbum: Shinola, Vol. 1first played: 06-10-2000last played : 08-02-2024total: 167 times (17.6% of shows)
Get a Little Taste of Youalbum: Z-Rock Hawaiifirst played: 10-30-1993last played : 07-29-2023total: 63 times (6.6% of shows)
Gladiola Heartbreakeralbum: WAD Excerptsfirst played: 08-13-1988last played : 11-01-1991total: 12 times (1.3% of shows)
Greg the Bunnyalbum: unreleasedfirst played: 12-13-2003last played : 12-13-2003total: 1 time (0.1% of shows)
Happy Colored Marblesalbum: Quebecfirst played: 04-09-2003last played : 08-02-2024total: 205 times (21.6% of shows)
Help Me Scrape the Mucus Off My Brainalbum: 12 Golden Country Greatsfirst played: 04-18-1996last played : 08-03-2024total: 105 times (11.1% of shows)
Hey There Fancypantsalbum: Quebecfirst played: 02-07-2002last played : 04-28-2023total: 23 times (2.4% of shows)
Hippy Smellalbum: WAD Excerptsfirst played: 07-01-1989last played : 07-01-1989total: 1 time (0.1% of shows)
Homo Rainbowalbum: unreleasedfirst played: 08-29-1998last played : 08-03-2024total: 122 times (12.9% of shows)
How High Can You Fly?album: Craters of the Sacfirst played: 02-12-2016last played : 08-04-2024total: 82 times (8.6% of shows)
I Can't Put My Finger on Italbum: Chocolate and Cheesefirst played: 03-04-1994last played : 08-02-2024total: 374 times (39.4% of shows)
I Don't Want Italbum: Quebecfirst played: 10-06-2002alast played : 08-04-2024total: 91 times (9.6% of shows)
I Don't Want to Leave You on the Farmalbum: 12 Golden Country Greatsfirst played: 07-19-1996alast played : 08-02-2024total: 33 times (3.5% of shows)
I Drink A Lotalbum: The Crucial Squeegie Lipfirst played: 05-02-1988last played : 05-02-1988total: 1 time (0.1% of shows)
I Fell in Love Todayalbum: Shinola, Vol. 1first played: 09-09-2023last played : 09-09-2023total: 1 time (0.1% of shows)
I Got to Put the Hammer Downalbum: The Friends EPfirst played: 06-08-2007last played : 09-16-2023total: 45 times (4.7% of shows)
I Gots a Weaselalbum: GodWeenSatan: The Onenessfirst played: 08-13-1988last played : 02-15-2024total: 90 times (9.5% of shows)
I Like Youalbum: Axis: Bold as Boognishfirst played: 11-15-1987last played : 08-13-1988total: 3 times (0.3% of shows)
I Play It Off Legitalbum: Pure Guavafirst played: 04-15-2016last played : 07-01-2022total: 23 times (2.4% of shows)
I Saw Gener Cryin' in His Sleepalbum: Pure Guavafirst played: 06-16-1995last played : 02-17-2024total: 38 times (4.0% of shows)
I Wuz Nothinalbum: unreleasedfirst played: 12-30-2000last played : 08-02-2024total: 34 times (3.6% of shows)
I'll Be Your Jonny on the Spotalbum: The Molluskfirst played: 07-19-1996alast played : 02-18-2024total: 269 times (28.3% of shows)
I'll Miss Youalbum: unreleasedfirst played: 06-18-2000last played : 02-17-2024total: 12 times (1.3% of shows)
I'm Dancing in the Show Tonightalbum: The Molluskfirst played: 05-09-1997last played : 08-02-2024total: 82 times (8.6% of shows)
I'm Fatalbum: unreleasedfirst played: 09-24-1993last played : 10-19-1993total: 4 times (0.4% of shows)
I'm Holding Youalbum: 12 Golden Country Greatsfirst played: 08-31-1994last played : 09-15-2023total: 51 times (5.4% of shows)
I'm in the Mood to Movealbum: GodWeenSatan: The Onenessfirst played: 07-28-2001last played : 04-29-2023total: 40 times (4.2% of shows)
I'm Killing It (Kill Everything)album: Axis: Bold as Boognishfirst played: 11-15-1987last played : 05-02-1988total: 2 times (0.2% of shows)
Ice Castlesalbum: White Pepperfirst played: 12-31-1998last played : 08-04-2024total: 154 times (16.2% of shows)
If You Could Save Yourself (You'd Save Us All)album: Quebecfirst played: 02-07-2002last played : 02-20-2022total: 23 times (2.4% of shows)
If You Love Mealbum: unreleasedfirst played: 10-30-1993last played : 09-15-2023total: 19 times (2.0% of shows)
Improvisationalbum: unreleasedfirst played: 08-05-1994last played : 12-14-2018total: 52 times (5.5% of shows)
Israelalbum: Shinola, Vol. 1first played: 02-14-2016last played : 10-31-2021total: 7 times (0.7% of shows)
It's Gonna Be (Alright)album: The Molluskfirst played: 10-09-1997alast played : 09-08-2023total: 18 times (1.9% of shows)
It's Gonna Be a Long Nightalbum: Quebecfirst played: 02-07-2002last played : 07-28-2023total: 37 times (3.9% of shows)
Japanese Cowboyalbum: 12 Golden Country Greatsfirst played: 07-19-1996alast played : 02-15-2024total: 54 times (5.7% of shows)
Jellyalbum: The Crucial Squeegie Lipfirst played: 11-15-1987last played : 05-02-1988total: 2 times (0.2% of shows)
Joppa Roadalbum: Chocolate and Cheesefirst played: 02-07-2002last played : 08-05-2023total: 31 times (3.3% of shows)
Junkie Boyalbum: unreleasedfirst played: 09-24-1993last played : 09-27-1993total: 2 times (0.2% of shows)
Kim Smoltzalbum: unreleasedfirst played: 02-13-2016last played : 07-03-2022total: 14 times (1.5% of shows)
King Billyalbum: The Friends EPfirst played: 03-16-2017last played : 03-16-2017total: 1 time (0.1% of shows)